Rhodea (DE 333 330939391) born 1991
171cm /16.3 1/2hh chesnut mare
Royal Angelo I - Grandus Romadour II
Breeder: Herbert de Baey, Lemgo-Wiembeck
Rhodea was sold 2003 by Bradstone Stud in foal to Relevant to Active Equestrian, England as a broodmare
Royal Angelo is out of Adone. Rhodea's is out of Geraldine and her grandmother is Limone. The 3rd sister is Antine, the mother of Rubinstein I & II, Romancier & Ritterstern (Denmark), Rhythmic Dancer (Austria) and Flower King D (Holland), etc.
Adone is a full sister of Ahlerich (Dr Reiner Klimke) and Amon (Annemarie Sanders-Keyzer). Adone is also the mother of Royal Angelo I & II and Rembrandt (Nicole Uphoff), Ramon (Uta Wusthof) and Rosario (Sabine Ruben), etc
Bradstone Stud bought Rhodea from her breeder 2001. She produced Diamante, a black filly (DE 431 310838902) born July 2002 by Depardieu. Diamante' unfortunately had a fatal accident during 2005.
Rhodea and Diamante 2002
Rhodea and Diamante 2002
Rhodea 2004
Diamante 2003
Rhodea and Diamante 2004