Florestan I(43-51262-86) 1986-
(Fidelio Rheingold Garamond)
Trakehner stallion, 170cm
Approved by the Hanoverian breeding society for suitable mares

Florestan Is sire Fidelio B, was one of the most popular sires in the Rhineland for many years for both dressage and showjumping. Florestand Is dam St.Pr. Raute is one of the most proven Rhineland mares. At the age of 3she was champion Rhenic mare of her age group. In 1983 she won her class at the German Mare Show in Verden. In 1986she was champion for younger mares at Aix-la-Chapelle federal show. The grandma St.Pr. Glocke is the full sister of the hereditary producer Gardist (Warendorf state stallion). This bloodline, whose roots go back to the traditional Hanigsen station, also produced Roman Nature (federal champion 1998).

Florestan I won the 1988 Rhenic approval in Aix-la-Chapelle and the following year also won the stallion performance test at Warendorf, where he proved to be equally suited for jumping as for dressage.
Florestan I is the absolute number 1 of the North-Rhine Westphalian breeding stallions. He has so far produced over 50 approved sons, including Fidemark who won the Optimum of Westphalian riding horses in Munster in 1996 and became the federal champion four year old stallion. He produced a number of Stadt Premium mares as well as additional federal championship participants such as Farce (vice-champion 4 year old 1994), Ferrara S (champion 5 year old filly 1996 under Isabell Werth), Floriano (1193 & 1994 finals with Cathrin Beckmann) and Floriano Deux NRW (finalist in 1996 with Glaser-Kappler), as well as a number of dressage offspring doing extremely well through the ranks.
Two sons of Florestan I, Florencio & French Kiss, convincingly won the World Championship of Young Dressage Horses in Verden 2004 both for 5 yo and 6 yo classes with average scores of 9.9 and 9.16.