St.Pr. Florentina (DE 431 319762600) born June 2000
166cm /16.1.1/2hh dark bay filly
Florestan I Trapper Dragoner
(Rheingold, Furioso II & Furioso xx on her stallion side)
Breeder: Christian Heinrich, Harbergen
Bradstone Stud purchased Florentina when she was born. Florentina is out of Titania who produced a consistent string of very high quality offspring including four top elite auction horses whereof Flamenco was sold in 1990/91 (DM 135,000), developing in to a Grand Prix Special winner in Germany & being placed 6th in the German Championships Grand Prix. One daughter born 1994 by Rubinstein was sold by the breeder to Austria where she is having a successful dressage career.
Florentina was placed 3rd in her mare test at Dorum, Germany in June 2004 and thus qualified for Stadt Premium. She is in training with experienced Big Tour Grand Prix rider Natalie Hobday, Germany (Jonny Hilberath�s barn) since February 2004 and is exceeding all possible expectations. See horses for sale!
September 2009
September 2009
September 2009
September 2009